Updated: February 2025
Date of next review: February 2026
Statement of Intent
General Objectives
Board Responsibilities
The overall responsibility and accountability for the health, safety and welfare at work of all employee owners and others who may be affected by the activities of WCF, including, but not restricted to, visitors, members of the public and contractors, vests with the Chief Executive. He is supported in the achievement of this by the H&S Manager and Head of Estates and Facilities. These H&S responsibilities are delegated on a day-to-day basis within the individual business units to the General Managers. Transport Managers and Operations Managers. Formal reporting structure are in place at board level to monitor H&S performance monthly, including the number of incidents in proportion to the number of deliveries, lost time hours and the cost of any incidents. We benchmark our performance where possible.
All work areas, activities and processes are subject to a systematic programme of risk assessment. These are effectively communicated to colleagues and others to whom they might apply. Written safe systems of work are produced to communicate safety instructions and training is given as appropriate. Our ongoing H&S compliance has been automated with the HSE reporting app which provides clear sight of any outstanding checks. We also use facilities management software to ensure that all planned preventative maintenance has taken place.
Alongside the group roles of H&S Manager and Head of Estates & Facilities, the General Managers of the business units, alongside their Transport and Operations Managers, continually review and monitor the effectiveness of their systems and make necessary arrangements through training, supervision, audit and inspection to monitor compliance and take remedial action to address any shortcomings discovered as a result of this process. Reporting of safety observations is encouraged as a proactive approach to improving these systems alongside feedback through the H&S committees and Fuels transport forums. Qualified third parties support us where appropriate.Alongside our Head of People and Culture, the General Managers are responsible for taking the appropriate disciplinary action against any employee who has a disregard for the H&S Policy. Accidents, incidents, near misses and H&S activity are investigated thoroughly and reported to the Board monthly. The H&S Manager attends board meetings annually and has a free agenda at such meeting.
Accidents, incidents, near misses and H&S activity are investigated thoroughly and reported to the Board monthly. The H&S Manager attends board meetings annually and has a free agenda at such meeting.
WCF expects and encourages similar support from contractors, members of the public and other visitors to
its facilities.
Chief Executive
February 2025
WCF North East has been supplying fuel for over 110 years, we are a guaranteed high-value delivering service that offers the highest quality products only a truly dedicated local fuel supplier can offer.
From home heating oil to Road diesel to Red diesel we offer a wide range of fuels and services that are tailored to your wants and needs, whether you are a domestic homeowner, a commercial business, or an agricultural farm! From our offices to our depots our hardworking team members are here to make sure your experience with us is smooth from the first quote to the moment our driver delivers the fuel.
Buying our products and services is just the start with WCF North East, we also provide schemes such as priority customer, which rewards you with exclusive benefits and deals to thank you for your ongoing trust, loyalty, and custom.